Say "NO" to Optometric Surgery
Read Information about 2018 Status Optometric education in no way is comparable to that of an ophthalmologist, especially where surgery is concerned. Following is some background about this issue starting with the state legislature in 2016. . . 2016 Legislative Session - 99th General Assembly
End of the year 2016 update -- During the fall session of the legislature, a negotiated bill was considered and passed by the General Assembly. SB 870 was the "vehicle." The bill did not permit optometrists to perform any surgical procedure, and in fact only expands the optometry practice to lengthen the time allowed for prescription of Diamox and also adds oral steroids (for up to 7 days) to the list of drugs they are permitted to prescribe. The bill also set up a "task force" with ophthalmology, the state medical society and optometry to discuss what educational standards would be required if optometrists were to be allowed to perform "advanced optometric procedures." The Task Force - 2017
The Task Force met monthly throughout 2017. Although the ISEPS and ISMS representatives attempted to engage with optometry in a meaningful discussion about what, if any, "advanced optometric procedures should be considered, the effort failed to produce any useful conversation. After several meetings, a faculty member from the Illinois College of Optometry came to two Task Force meetings and shared information about the ICO's curriculum, particular as it relates to injections and surgical procedures. As a result of this information, it was quite obvious that optometry education does not include any sufficient training that would prepare an optometrist to perform any sort of eye surgery. As required by the statute establishing the Task Force, ISEPS submitted at the August 2017 meeting a recommendation for what educational standards should be required for optometrists to receive certification to perform "advanced optometric procedures." View the recommendations submitted by ISEPS as part of the Task Force deliberations:
2018 - IDFPR Proposed Rules
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Background Information
Letters from Concerned Organizations - 2016
Examples of Eye Surgery
Last Updated on Tuesday, April 03, 2018 10:18 AM |
© Illinois Society of Eye Physicians & Surgeons | 10 W Phillip Rd. Suite 120 Vernon Hills, IL 60061-1730 | 800-838-3627