Frequently Asked QuestionsThe information provided here is offered as a convenience to our members and is not intended to be legal advice or a substitute for the guidance you may receive from your legal counsel or other professional consultants. This information provided below is from sources we believe to be reliable. What are the rules in Illinois concerning "early refills" of eye drops for patients who have chronic eye conditions?On January 1, 2016, a new law went into effect that requires health insurers who cover prescription topical eye medications to allow a refill of eye drops once 75% of the dosage period has been reached. This provision will be of great benefit to patients who have difficulty administering eye drops and, as a result, "waste" some of the medicine. Please refer to Public Act 099-0226 for the exact language of the law. CLICK HERE for a downloadable fact sheet (in PDF format) that can be copied and given to patients. How long must a doctor keep a patient's medical records?
The Ophthalmic Mutual Insurance Company (OMIC) has an article posted on their risk management webpage regarding this topic. CLICK HERE to view the OMIC article. Can a physician charge a patient for copies of medical records?
The Illinois State Medical Society has published a guide concerning access and copying charges to individual medical records, including what the federal HIPAA rules require. CLICK HERE to download a PDF copy of the ISMS document. Bear in mind that we are providing this guidance as a potential resource to Illinois dermatology practices. It is not a substitute for legal advice, but is intended to help covered entities in Illinois to understand how the HHS guidance under HIPAA can be reconciled with Illinois law. Illinois State Law -- (Remember - Federal law supersedes state law. Please refer to the document noted above for additional information. Yes. There is a formula administered by the Illinois State Comptroller's Office that governs what a patient can be charged for copying of medical records. Records that are retrieved from digital formats do not qualify as microfiche or microfilm for the purposes of these charges.
Click here to view more information on the Illinois Comptroller's website.
Does a doctor have to provide copies of medical records to patients who haven't paid their medical bills?
Last Updated on Wednesday, April 03, 2019 03:59 PM |
© Illinois Society of Eye Physicians & Surgeons | 10 W Phillip Rd. Suite 120 Vernon Hills, IL 60061-1730 | 800-838-3627